Newell Regional Services Corp. (NRSC)

Newell Regional Services Corp. (NRSC) was formed by partnership of all municipalities in the County of Newell to see the installation of regional water transmission main pipelines conveying potable water throughout the region. The upgrading and improvements to the Brooks Water Treatment Plant and installation of regional water pipelines is now complete. The City of Brooks, Town of Bassano, Villages of Duchess, Rosemary and the hamlets of the County of Newell will have equal access to potable water. This system is designed to reduce the escalating operating costs of smaller treatment facilities, reduce the number of capital cost improvements to see each of the smaller treatment systems upgraded to meet current legislations and regulations, as well as have the ability to use staff resources more effectively.

Eastern Irrigation District

The Eastern Irrigation District (EID), one of thirteen irrigation districts in southern Alberta operates under the authority of the Alberta Irrigation Districts Act [RSA 2000 c. 1-11]. The administrative boundaries of the EID, bounded by the Bow River in the south and the Red Deer River in the north, encompass approximately 1.5 million acres of land.

The District’s primary business is the management of an extensive water distribution network in support of irrigated agriculture. In addition to conveying water to approximately 300,000 acres of irrigated farmland owned by private families and corporations, the EID also conveys water through their distribution network to benefit municipal, industrial, wildlife habitat and recreational purposes. The EID also owns an expanse of native and improved grassland, managed for the benefit of the irrigators and primarily supporting the local cattle industry.

The Eastern Irrigation District is governed by a Board of seven Directors elected by and from the 1,100 irrigators of the District. The EID employs approximately 80 individuals who carry out the day to day management and operation of the District.

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