Power Up 2020 is Coming – Why this is a Big Deal
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Power Up Brooks will be happening March 12th from 3pm-8pm at the Heritage in Brooks. This is the third time this event has been held and each time it gets better and better.
Power Up gives local business people, managers, employees, owners, and blossoming entrepreneurs the opportunity to come together and learn... Learn valuable, on the job skills for business, learn about economic predictions and how to make sure you can react to changes, learn about others doing business in our Region, and learn about amazing services available to help businesses.
Who attends Power Up Brooks?
Power Up 2018 saw a pretty cool mix of people attend – there were downtown retailers, gym owners, metal manufacturers, bankers, ag producers, food services, oilfield service companies, artisans, accountants, and even a guy who’s business centres around cattle genetics and insemination. As our local business community continues to get more and more engaged, we’re expecting the same awesome kind of blend for Power Up 2020. And that creates an awesome chance for networking and learning from your peers and colleagues.
Best part? Tickets are only $50 and that covers all the speakers, coffee breaks and a full (amazing) dinner. When training like this is offered right in our Region, it’s pretty hard to pass up – you don’t have to worry about travelling on wintery highways, taking long hours away from your business, or paying for a hotel. You get all the benefits of a big city event, right here at home.
How do you sign up?
If you haven’t registered for Power Up yet, make it happen! Registration closes on March 6th but that date will sneak up on you! More details about the event schedule and speakers, plus a link to register, can be found on their website at www.powerupbrooks.com.